I thought, as I promised, that I would keep everyone as informed as possible. So here's a start....
Reynoldsburg City Schools have implemented a standards based grading system. I started reporting out grades in this manner my first year at Slate Ridge Elementary in 2005. Yes, it was a transition; however, I really began to enjoy it and see the value of the information that was given to parents. This is different and can be scary because it is not how we were graded and what we are familiar with. Here is the four point system that I have attached for you from a link on the Reynoldsburg City Schools web page. http://www.reyn.org/ReportCardK-6.aspx. I look at every skill that is being assessed and make how each child is doing throughout the nine weeks. I take notes within group work as well as on individual assignments when there is a fraction put on the top of the paper. On assessments there will be an E, M, P, or L on each indicator. This gives me more information then a single grade and when explained to parents it should do the same as well. Here is a full explanation and packet from the Reynoldsburg City Schools web page with more information on our grading system; http://www.reyn.org/Downloads/Report%20Card%20Parent%20Guide2.pdf.
Furthermore, I intend to send home what indicators and skills as being assessed each quarter as well as what those indicators look like. When looking at indicators they can be a bit wordy and an explanation of what it means or look like is very helpful. One very important thing to remember is that when your child is being assessed on an indicator there does not necessarily have to be mastery of that skill until the end of the year. Many times the indicators have two and three parts to them and because of that we break them up into smaller pieces over several quarters. On the interim we only mark a minus if at that point your child is showing progress in this skill or has limited knowledge of this skill at the present time. If we have not assessed the skill by midterm and/or your child has met the skill it will not be marked at all. I know this is confusing and I am going to do my best to give you more information so that it is clear for you in where your child is.
You will be hearing more about this throughout the year. If confused or concerned with the system at any time please let me know. The one important thing to remember is that if I am worried about your child's progress then I will have contacted or will be contacting you. It is okay if they are making progress and don't have something mastered the first time it is being reported out.
Most of you should have some experience with this from other children or previous years in school. I just like to try to help out because it can be difficult to understand when unfamiliar. Hope this makes some sense...