Thursday, August 9, 2012

Can I skip reading tonight?

As I was browsing blogs and websites today I found a website that I thought was awesome!  Please check out Ms. Kroll's page at  There are a ton of ideas for how parents can help at home with reading and math.  My favorite part was under the reading tab; "Can I skip reading tonight?"  This just shows a simple mathmatical explanation of what makes a better reader.  Very simple, but very true! 

Now I know that this all sounds great when you look at it online and I'm not trying to make you feel guilty because believe me I understand!  Let's look at a typical evening after school.  You are tired after a busy day and round two is just beginning; pick up the kids, possibly take them to a sporting event or practice of some sort, go to the grocery, try to make dinner, lunches for the next day, etc.  It becomes very overwhelming, I know!  One idea that I have is in the backseat of my car right between the two car seats.  My kids actually really like this when they're not fighting!  Their friends have enjoyed it as well!!!!
Here's my proof, don't judge the mess!